Alla kategorier > FAQ - Paranormal EMF Recorder (iOS/Android) > What is the format of the recording files?
The files are actually saved as plain text, but in order to enable later parsing of the data, it is structured using the CSV format (comma-separated-values).

The CSV format is fully readable by humans, but can also be opened in text reader, text editor and spreadsheet applications.

File format
Header (1st row): DateTime;Magnitude;X;Y;Z
Data (Rows 2+): [YYYY-MM-DD];[float value];[float value];[float value];[float value]

2015-01-01 12:00:00.00;82.56;-38.31;8.07;-72.69

 Senast uppdaterat Fri, Mar 20 2015 2:56pm
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