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FAQ Categories
App Guide - Ghost Radio [6]
FAQ - Ghost Radio for Android and FireOS [18]
FAQ - Ghost Radio for iOS [13]
FAQ - Paranormal EMF Recorder (iOS/Android) [6]
FAQ - Zener ESP for Android/FireOS [1]
FAQ - Zener ESP for iOS [1]
Privacy [1]
Refunds and Payments - Guide [2]
FAQ - Ghost Radio for Android and FireOS
Frequently asked questions and answers for the Android version of Ghost Radio.
App closes immediately or wants an Activation code (Google Play)
App crashes
App has low performance on my device or drains the battery too fast
Are there any audio apps that are good for audio analysis?
How does the Radio Controls/Configuration work?
I cannot playback my recordings
I cannot understand the speech
I have recording problems
I haven't purchased the app from Google Play or Amazon
Speech to Text doesn't work as expected
There are no sounds from the app
What app permissions does the app need and why?
What are the settings on the Settings Screen for?
What is the EMF measurement for?
What is the in-app Feedback button for?
When is the app calibrated?
Where are the Recordings saved?
White, Brownian and Pink noise?
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